Election season is upon us, the worst kept secret in politics has been confirmed, and the yellow, blue and red brigades are frantically scrambling to the key marginals to make the best of our hugely flawed, 'first past the post' political system.....

As we prepare ourselves for a shitstorm of media spin, insincere political posturing and an 'Obama 08' style social networking spam-a-thon; the most pertinent questions will probably go unansweed as our media outlets scramble to impress upon each other a jealously-inducing sense of magnitude and proximity to powerful contacts.... well I have no-one to impress, and no real reputation to bolster; so from my relatively uncomprimised observational watch tower, I'm goint to have a crack at outling some of the main points over the coming weeks, but there is one catch and I best state that upfront... I'm voting Libdem because I'm in a key marginal,so there is going to be a touch of propaganda, but I promise to be as impartial as I can be because the rest of the time, I'm a pragmatist / floating voter.
Part 1..... "Why not to vote Lib dem" ....coming in a bit.

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