Setting aside the fact he has made fuck all effort to get my vote, Rhodri Jamieson-Ball is a lightweight, with no clear vision, and an invisible campaign...
That really bothers me because I would love to see a viable left-of-centre alternative to Jeremy Corbyn... Don't get me wrong Corbyn has a good heart and he is a refreshingly convicted politician, but hes trapped in a timewarp.
With a close to 15% swing needed to make my constiuency anywhere near marginal, My vote is almost meaningless sadly, infact my worry is that if I vote for Rhodri he may get the wrong idea and be spurned on to stick about and have a second pop in 2015.
Kinda pissed this dude has been put up as a candidate to be honest. Not as pissed as I am at our shit voting system. On that note, good to see The Mirror / Balls / Hane echoing my sentiments on tactical voting. Not so good is the fact I dislike all three of those parties and feel really grubby having something in common with them...